Lina Forrester Lina Forrester

Episode #7: Five Exercises to Help you Embrace Failure

Hi there! Welcome to episode 7 of Eccentric Chai, the blog for artistic misfits, wayward explorers, and the creatively weird. This week I'm going to be talking about that thing we all fear the most: failure. More specifically, I’ll be giving you five exercises that you can do to help you embrace failure, because it’s only until you embrace failure that you can be brave in your art.

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Lina Forrester Lina Forrester

Episode #2: Intuitive Art

Welcome to episode #2 of Eccentric Chai! In this episode I talk about Intuitive Art. Is there a one-size-fits-all definition? How can meditation help us understand this method of art? And what are the things you can do to discover your own definition and your own reasons for an intuitive practice?

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