Intuitive Art Classes

Every other Saturday at 10am

  • Learn to Trust the Process

    During my classes we work on a variety of different methods to help you loosen up both your mind and your body so that you can play more and worry less. Once you trust the process—and yourself—intuitive art will flow much easier.

  • Start a Wordless Diary

    New students are given a small sketchbook and a pen and are taught about the importance of “scribbling” every day in their “Wordless Diary.” This daily exercise silences that initial, often crippling fear of “messing up” making the intuitive process much easier.

  • Learn a Variety of Methods

    From zendoodling to asemic writing, there are so many ways to create intuitively! Each class focuses on one of these methods, giving students a variety to work with so that they can find what’s most comfortable to them and customize their own intuitive practice.

Next Class: July 27th at 10am