Lina Forrester Lina Forrester

Tasting Circles: The Power of Synesthesia

Hi there! Welcome to episode 16 of Eccentric Chai, the blog for artistic misfits, wayward explorers, and the creatively weird. Today on the podcast I'm going to be talking about Synesthesia. What is it? How does it change the way you perceive the world? And what are some ways you can use the external world as an influence in your own art.

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Lina Forrester Lina Forrester

Episode #4: That Scary Word, Style

Hi there! Welcome to Eccentric Chai, the podcast for artistic misfits, wayward explorers, and the creatively weird.

In this episode we're going to talk about that super scary word we all dread hearing: style. What is it, exactly? And why are we always trying to pursue it? Is it something we develop over time, or is it something that has always been there?

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Lina Forrester Lina Forrester

Episode #3: Five Ways to Bust Through that Creative Wall

Hi there! Welcome to Eccentric Chai, the podcast for artistic misfits, wayward explorers, and the creatively weird.

Today on the podcast we will be talking about creative block. We've all dealt with it, right? You don't have to be an artist to have experienced creative block. You just have to be a human. As for me, I HATE when I'm in a creative funk, and so I decided to put together a list of five things that could help me bust through that creative wall and return to my favorite place, the flow state.

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